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vie, 15 mar
It's that time again: Dragonfly Dash 2024! The Dragonfly Dash will be held at the Dillard Drive Magnet Middle School Track on March 15, 2024

Time & Location
15 mar 2024, 9:15 – 15:30
About the Event
It's that time again: Dragonfly Dash 2024! The Dragonfly Dash will be held at the Dillard Drive Magnet Middle School Track on March 15, 2024 (if weather does not permit the dash on 3/15/24, it will be completed on 3/22/24). The track is a standard quarter-mile (4 laps = 1 mile). Students are encouraged to collect monetary pledges for laps to raise money for classroom support, school improvements, 2024 DDMES Field Day activities, and more. Each grade level is given 20 minutes for students to complete as many laps as possible while families, friends, teachers and staff cheer them on.
Tentative Dash Schedule: ***Subject to Change***
8:30-9:25 Morning Set up
9:25-9:55 Pre K, Pre K AU, ECS 1, ECS 2
10:10-10:50 Fifth Grade
10:55-11:35 First Grade
11:40-12:20 Kindergarten
12:25-12:55 Lunch
1:00-1:40 Fourth Grade
1:45-2:25 Third Grade
2:30-3:10 Second Grade
3:10 Clean Up
To sweeten the pot, the DDMES PTA will award prizes to the top Dragonfly runners and fundraisers. We will also be provide icy treats and water throughout the day. Every student that participates in the Dragonfly Dash will receive wristbands for each lap completed.
Prizes to be awarded include:
- top school fundraiser
- top fundraising classes (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places)
- top lap runners
Winners will be announced the week of March 25, 2024.
Pledges will be accepted from February 12, 2024. Search for your Dragonfly student and share your student's individual donation page with family and friends.
***If you prefer not to participate through our online system and still want your student to fundraise, don't hesitate to contact Holly Mason or Stacey P. Webb at ptainfo@ddmespta.com for a paper submission form.