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Comités 2021-2022 

¡Háganos saber cómo le gustaría servir a sus Libélulas del PTA!

Advisory Board &
Committee Chair Members

Book Fair Chair:

Nadirah Cogbill


Director At Large:

Paula Silitshena


Dragonfly Dash "Fun Run" Chair: Jae-Ellyn Hudson


Fifth Grade Promotion Chair: Madana Marshall


Hospitality Chair:

Karla Gamble


Membership Chair:

Rachel Powell


Men of Dillard Group Co-Chair: Kelvin McDouglad

Men of Dillard Group Co-Chair: Marcellus Simpkins


Operations & Awards Chair:

Karri Miller


Sponsorship and Fundraising: Charla Brandon


Teacher Appreciation Chair: Candace Bridgers

General Information


For general questions, please contact the DDMES PTA. 


Submit a PTA Communications Request Form
Submit a PTA Newsletter Item Request Form

Committee and PTA board members can use this form to submit requests for social media posts, TalkingPoints messages, Friday updates, and website changes that need to be shared with our school community.

Committee and PTA board members can use this form to submit articles or updates for the PTA newsletter that need to be shared with our school community.

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